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Pool Lines

Sofía Táboas

Two large triangles together constitute a third triangular form. Their waist-high walls are about one metre thick; they both taper and flatten towards the ground. The sculpture Pool Lines by Mexican artist Sofía Táboas is clad with shimmering green mosaic tiles. Are these the archaeological remains of a swimming pool from times when the Emscher was still a meandering river? Have we been projected into a mythical Bermuda Triangle, bordered by a strictly geometric greenstone mosaic? 

Or are these preparations for some future landing site? Facing each other, both triangles are open and encompass the section of a meadow that lies between an industrial estate and allotment gardens in the Dortmund district of Schüren. In the background flows the Emscher, which along this stretch has already been completely renaturated. While blending into its surroundings, the sculpture’s configuration remains an alien body as attractive as it is mysterious, a play between landscape and architecture. The interior space described by its walls is of the same nature as the exterior space around it. It both reflects and transforms the site of the installation: the scarcely cultivated green strip has become a garden whose velvet green walls invite us to linger a while.

Credits: Film concept, camera, drone & postproduction: Gionik Media GmbH, Dirk Gion Opterix, Johannes Kassenberg; music & sounddesign: Samuel Brözel

Near Kleingartenanlage im Massbruch, Gevelsbergstraße 120
44269 Dortmund

Concrete walls with
ceramic tile mosaic
Dimensions: 19×34m

The sculpture serves as an enigmatic bench that blends into the landscape or is its protagonist, depending on the season. Its strangeness allows us to perceive the surrounding landscape from a new perspective.

Sofía Táboas

Sofía Táboas

Sofía Táboas (*1968 in Mexico City, Mexico) studied fine arts at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. She is a founding member of the alternative art space: Temístocles 44 in Mexico City.

In her work, the artist explores both natural and man-made space; how it is built and reshaped, thought and perceived. This interest extends to the materials she uses in her sculptures and installations, such as artificial and living plants, mosaics, swimming pool equipment, building materials and plastic. Her artistic approach testifies to a great awareness of materials that seeks to make the space that is passed through more complex from a different or rarefied perspective.

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